We asked all the 2023 candidates for Golden Mayor and City Council to answer these questions about housing:
What do you think is the most important housing-related issue in Golden and what steps will you take to address this issue?
Optional Question: The City of Golden used a state grant to conduct a Housing Needs and Strategies Assessment last year (see www.guidinggolden.com/housing-needs-and-strategies-assessment). What do you think are the three most important findings or recommendations of this assessment and how will you address each one?
Optional Question: The City of Golden recently opted-in to funding available through Proposition 123 and committed to a goal to create/preserve 26 affordable housing units per year over three years (see https://engagedola.org/prop-123). What partnerships will you pursue to reach this goal?
Mayoral Candidate responses:
Waquim Filsaime
Waquim Filsaime Response
Joe MacDonald
Joe MacDonald Response
Heather Schneider—no response
Charles Sturdavant—no response
Laura Weinberg
Laura Weinberg Response
City Council, District 1 responses:
Matt Duncan
Matt Duncan Response
Jacob Luria
Jacob Luria Response
Lisa Vitry
Lisa Vitry Response
Mary Weaver—no response
City Council, District 2 responses:
Patty Evans
Patty Evans Response
Ben Moline
Ben Moline Response
Download Summary PDF of Candidate Responses Here:
Download what Golden's candidates have to say about preserving manufactured homes based on questions from the two manufactured home communities within the City of Golden (Golden Terrace and Golden Hills):