The City of Golden partnered with Golden United's Housing Task Force on October 27 to help citizens learn more about the data, findings, and recommendations from the 2022 Housing Needs and Strategies Assessment.
There were lots of questions and lively discussions as 32 in-person and 18 virtual attendees exchanged ideas and reactions to Golden's Housing Needs and Strategies Assessment.
WATCH the Zoom meeting recording
READ about the Housing Needs and Strategies Assessment
View the meeting slide presentation
View the meeting "Golden's Housing Needs Assessment" illustration
Download the meeting Area Median Income (AMI) chart
Download the Final Report: City of Golden Housing Needs and Strategies Assessment (September 2022, Gruen Gruen + Associates)
Golden Transcript Article: Goldenites brainstorm priorities from housing needs assessment
Meeting Agenda from October 27, 2022
5:00 Introduction and overview of the 2022 Housing Needs and Strategy Assessment
by Janet Maccubbin, Affordable Housing Policy Coordinator
5:20 Questions about the presentation
5:30 Breakout groups for discussion
5:50 Return to the full group and summarize breakout group discussions
6:25 Wrap-up